Sunday, January 29, 2006

Fibro's Back with a Vengeance

Until today I don't think I had realized how much better I had been doing compared to where I was 4 years ago. I'd forgotten just how much pain I was in. And now it's back... I guess I really shouldn't be surprised by the flare-up and should consider myself lucky that overall it has been manageable for the last 4 years. The current flare-up could have been brought on by any number of factors: the medications, irregular sleep patterns, not getting enough exercise, stress, etc. For anyone that doesn't have a chronic pain condition count yourself lucky. They say fibromyalga is the "invisible disease" because you don't appear sick. You're just in constant pain and low on energy. I keep cracking my back hoping for some relief of the pain but since it's not in the joints it doesn't help. For most of the day I was curled up with Azrael on the couch. It hurt too much to do anything else. Been a long time since I hurt like this. I'm hoping it's short lived since, as I've already been told no doctor in Peterborugh will treat it. Without a family doctor I can't go see a specialist either. It's a no win situation. All I can hope is that tomorrow is a better day, with less pain than today.

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