Thursday, January 26, 2006

Twist of Fate

It turned out to be a bit of a weird day... It started out normal enough... I slept in and when I woke up started working on a DVD. My average day. I called my sister to check in, forgetting that she was updated with my blog any ways. Then I figured I should call my dad since he didn't know I was even off work. So I updated him... and he offered me a vacation to BC. It wasn't quite the tropical vacation I'd been hoping for but it would still be a vacation... a chance to get away. I'm not sure why I am having a tough time with this decision. It should be an easy one. I love BC. I'd also see family I haen't seen in a few years. I should be jumping on the opportunity for a free trip.

My first concern is that I need to get all the medical information for my EI claim and that is a bit of a challenge. The doctor didn't give me a medical certificate. As soon as I get that I can mail it in with my Record of Employment and then just wait for the EI cheque. So that should be resolved in the near future, I hope.

Secondly, I am hoping to do some work for Chaord Studios while I am off. I've been making some UFC DVDs but those are just for entertainment. I'm also planning to make one with the pictures of my niece. At some point I also have to create a web site but that will hopefully only take me a few days to complete. Even better would be them having the money for it. That would make it easier to pay bills.

Then there is Azrael. I know Steve would take care of him but he is still my baby. I'm used to being with him every day and knowing that while I sleep he'll be on the bed beside me. It's comforting. As I have said before who needs a therapist when you have a cat...

There's also the longshot of a cancellation with the psychiatrist. If someone cancels then I might be able to get in sooner and be cleared to go back to work. This is unlikely since it takes 6-8 weeks to get an appointment. I can't see people not going. But I suppose anything is possible.

I know I should take the opportunity for a vacation and head out west but I am still a little reluctant. I'm not even sure why I am hesitant and not jumping at the chance. C'mon a free trip out west. Who wouldn't jump at that? I'm definitely going to give it some thought in the next couple of days and make a decision.

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