Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Trip to BC

Still contemplating that trip to BC. As Suzanne said, not going to get too many chances at a free vacation. But there are still a few roadblocks. I need something done with the medical certificate so that I can get paid for my time off. And tomorrow I am going to see a real doctor. I am going out of town to go see an actual family doctor. I have no idea what he will say or do... but it gives me hope. He can refer me to a specialist... maybe even do some bloodwork to see if there is a medical reason for the fatigue. The doctor even has the power to clear me to return to work. So, for now, the trip to BC is on hold, at least until after I see the doctor and get his opinion.

While I am on an LOA having digital cable is really handy... Mind you I seem to wind up watching A&E or the World Series of Poker. Now there are other shows I watch, like CSI, Criminal Minds, the UFC, and 24 but they are only on once a week. I should really watch a movie... or get back to playing the PS2 but right now I am being pretty lazy. Besides Criminal Minds will be on at 9.

And tomorrow it is time for that road trip. Road trip... road trip.... Okay so it's not that exciting a road trip but hey it is still a trip out of Peterborough. I think I'm also looking for a sound card while I am out of town. Might as well make use of the day. And the Toronto area offers a lot more options for cheaper computer parts. So we'll see what tomorrow holds.

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