Thursday, February 02, 2006


I'm back to thinking about the need for balance. In everyone's life there is elements of both chaos and order. For follower's of Jung the conscious ego is order, while the collective unconscious is chaos. According to modern chaos theory, seeds of order are imbedded in chaos and vice versa, seeds of chaos are imbedded in order. Can't have one without the other.

According to Wikipedia, the term chaordic "is used in some philosophies to refer to a system that is simultaneously chaotic and ordered. The term was coined by Dee Hock.

The combination of chaos and order is typically described as a harmonious coexistence displaying characteristics of both, with neither chaotic nor ordered behavior dominating. Some people hold that nature is largely organized in such a manner; in particular, living organisms and the evolutionary process by which they arose are often described by adherents to such a philosophy as chaordic in nature. Chaordic systems have also been proposed as a possible approach to consensus decision-making that would be neither hierarchical nor anarchic."

It's about peace and harmony. Balance

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