Monday, February 27, 2006

Back to Work

Today was the first day back at work. 8 hours of SPT was more then enough fun, let me tell you. Otherwise it was pretty uneventful. Of course I had a few people ask me why I was off work but that was to be expected. I'm not sure I was entirely honest but I wasn't really lying either. A lot of people just said "Welcome back" and left it at that. Too bad most people are incredibly nosy and felt the need to ask. And now my life returns to normal. Pretty soon I will have a team again... altough I will have to go through the process of getting to know the agents again since it won't be my team. At the same time I always knew I wouldn't be with the same team forever. At least I know I was missed by my team so that's something :o) And I just have to make it through one more day of SPT.

At least being off gave me a chance to focus on my health. The fibromyalgia is now being treated. I've largely corrected the phase delayed sleep disorder. I upped my iron level to combat the anemia. Now I just need to get my dental work done. But that will be happening soon. I went with the enhanced dental plan at work so I now have 100% coverage and partial coverage for major treatments if they are necessary.

Things are finally looking up. Now I just need to find a new apartment and that will ease some stress. A relationship would also be nice but that one doesn't seem to be on the horizon. Oh well. One thing at a time. I've always got Azrael... who so far is not holding me going back to work against me. He was quite happy to see me when I came home and is currently curled up beside me on the couch. At least someone loves me and even better it's unconditional love.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:32 p.m.

    Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
