Saturday, February 25, 2006


After watching "Rent" with Steve he asked me why I had such an interest in homosexuality. I think he missed something in the meaning behind the film. In my movie collection I can't pick out any with homosexuality as being a central theme (well okay it is a theme in Rent... but I wouldn't necessarily pick it as the overall theme). Drug use is also represented, does that make me an addict? In terms of TV shows I like Six Feet Under... does that make me morbid and mean I have a fascination with death? I think he was basing it on the fact I have the first 4 seasons of Queer as Folk and will be buying Season 5 as soon as it is released. Showtime pushed the envelope and challenged societal norms. For once it wasn't a sitcom. I like shows, and movies that challenge you to think, to question society. I even got Adam hooked on Queer as Folk. I'm not sure I can explain why I enjoyed the show so much. When you think about it, how many dramas are there about human life and social interactions? Now that Queer as Folk is off the air if there are any I'm not watching them. It's a character driven drama. That was what made it appealing. A lot of shows stay away from the character development... but don't you ever wonder what they are doing when not at work? I don't think it was so much the fact it was about the gay lifestyle as it was the fact I was sucked in by the storylines. I also have a great deal of respect for the actors for taking on such a role.

I'm not rushing 0ut to see Brokebac Mountain. It has received a number of critical acclaims but to me it is just another story of forbidden love. I'm sure it is a good movie but it doesn't do much for me. Maybe I'll see it when it comes out but it's not high on my priority list.

Any ways... back to Rent. It is about a year in the life of eight friends. The biggest theme in the movie (to me any ways) is to live for the moment. It is about AIDS, homosexuality, drug abuse, homelessness, death and life. It doesn't shy away from the dfficult topics. Rent challenges you to think about life and what is important since it can all change in an instant. I identify most with Mark, the filmmaker. The one disappointment from the film is that they cut "Goodbye Love", a scene I (and other Rent fas) feel is pivotal to the movie. Columbus felt it was too emotional. In my opinion, following the outrage from devoted Rentheads, a director's cut should have been made available that includeed this scene. In it Roger and Mark fight and Roger calls Mark a hypocrite for preaching not to be numb when that's exactly what he is himself. For anyone that knows me, sound familiar? I think there is a lot to be said for living in the moment and not living a life of regrets. Life is too short for regrets.

"I don't own emotion - I rent" (Mark & Roger, from "What You Own")
"No day but today" (Mimi, from "Another Day")
"Forget regret, or life is yours to miss" (Mimi, from "Another Day")
"Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear. Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. How do you measure, measure a year? In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights in cups of coffee. In inches, in miles in laughter in strife. In five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes - how do you measure a year in the life? How about love? How about love? How about love? Measure in love... seasons of love." (Everyone, from "Seasons of Love")

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:32 p.m.

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