Saturday, February 11, 2006


I'm not sure who thought this was a good idea... but since I was feeling better after taking the iron I thought I'd try it. The goal of chronotherapy is to push bedtime back by 3 hours a night until it gets to midnight (or whenever you want your bedtime to be). Sounds easy.... and with my sleep pattern I was halfway there. I do have more energy with the iron but waking up at 8:00 p.m. like I did yesterday, or 11:00 tonight is rough. I just feel out of sync from the get-go. Fortunately, in a few days it will be done and I will have hopefully reset my circadian rhythms. Not sure it's going to help me become a morning person *lol* but at least it will make it easier to go to bed at midnight when I do have to return to work. So in 18 hours I can go back to bed... sweet dreams.

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