Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Stress Free Diet

1 part rest
1 part relaxation
1 part supportive people around you

Stir and serve

Okay so I wish it was that easy. I'm currently reminded of the old addage, "Money is the root of all evil." Well in my case... it may not be evil... but it certainly is stress. I'm still trying to get the medical certificate from the doctor and he seems to be taking his time getting back to me. I've been off work for 5 weeks now without any source of income and I need that piece of paper to claim my EI. I'd really like the money so I can pay rent... and go to the dentist. Got a cavity that is becoming quite painful and I'd like it taken care of.

On top of that Steve announced that I should maybe be looking for a new place to live since he can't afford to continue paying rent here. Hmm... if I am moving out I've got 2 weeks before my notice has to be in. I can't afford to pay my bills as it is where am I going to get first and last from? While I was considering moving to a one bedroom I wanted to give it a few months and since I am not at work it's hard to try and find a roommate for me. Not to mention the fact Steve's room looks more like a storage unit then a bedroom. So I've been scared to show it to anyone. And I really don't want to be moving again. I've already moved 3x since I got to Peterborough. That wasn't how I wanted to start my day.

All my stress right now comes from the financial side of things. Being off work for so long is going to wind up costing me about $2000. Since my EI has not been approved so far the lack of an income is really starting to hurt. Fortunately, I did some work on Adam's computer so he will be giving me money and I have a web site to design that will also bring in some money.... just not enough to actually make ends meet. As much as I am trying to relax it's not that easy.

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