Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Movie Reviews

Okay so I really wouldn't call them reviews... but I have been watching more movies recently then I had been in quite a while so I thought I'd give my thoughts on them.

Transporter 2

This is definitely a brainless action flick and not exactly believeable. I enjoyed it more the first time I saw it. But the firehose fight scene makes the movie. Good movie if you want some fight scenes and a movie that does not require any thought.

Lord of War

More of a desert movie. I didn't expect to enjoy this movie but I actually did. The opening was pretty original. It's not the kind of movie that you would watch repeatedly but I do enjoy movies that make me think. Would be a good movie for the media studies course on war I took in university.


This movie is more like a music video on acid. It was a decent action flick... again that's assuming you want something that won't be thought provoking. You only get the occassional glimpse into Domino's life and they left out a lot of the character development since most of the movie is based on one job. And they truly took some liberties in this film. They didn't even bother to address the heroin addiction or the fact she was arrested for drug trafficking. Obviously, the film didn't extend to her death of a fetanyl overdose. And to sell the movie they used Kiera Knightley and threw in Edgar Ramirez as Choco. But this is Hollywood after all... so if you're not looking at it as a biography it is entertaining.

Saw 2

Saw 2 was a bit of a disappointment. It reminded me a bit of Cube. It was pretty predictible. Not a bad movie but not nearly as good as the original. One of the problems of sequels is that they generally do not live up to the first one.


I have been waiting for Rent for a very long time. I'm not sure I ever thought I'd see the day when I wanted to see a musical. Not even sure why I identify so much with it since the main story is about AIDS and homosexuality in New York's east village. Loosely based on "La vie Boheme" it began as a Broadway musical. I guess part of the attraction is the fact it's not mainstream and is not something that too many directors would even touch. I'm a little disappointed that they left the song "Hallowe'en" out of it but otherwise I do think it was well done.

Now I'll end it with a quote from Rent, "Forget regret, or life is yours to miss."

1 comment:

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