Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Well I am no longer stoned on Percocets. Even better, I don't need to get any of my teeth extracted. I went to see the dentist on Monday since I was in agony. Turns out it was actually a problem with my jaw. My TMJ has been aggravated. I'm not sure it's ever hurt this bad. It's been bugging me off and on for a while. I can feel the muscles tensing and twitching perodically. When your jaw closes it's approximately 25 pounds of pressure. The TMJ is made worse from stress and the fact I clench my teeth. Posture is also related. Sitting on the couch watching TV for hours is definitely not helping that. As a result the top vertebrae is out of place and has pulled one side of my jaw out of place. That led to overcompensation and more pain. Looking back I am thinking that I should've taken the dentist up on the offer for painkillers. But I was thinking he'd give me more percocets and that was the last thing I wanted. Naproxen (a muscle relaxant), on the other hand, would be good and has worked in the past to reduce/relieve the pain of TMJ. Hopefully when I go to the chiropractor tomorrow she can help me. Last time I was there she was talking about lasers or acupuncture to relieve the pain. I just hope the pain goes away soon.

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