Friday, February 24, 2006


Looks like I'll be moving May 1 :o( I thought once I was done school I would stop moving annually. Since I moved to Peterborough this will be the 4th time I've moved. I'd really like to get settled somewhere. Now the upside is that I can look for a one bedroom and actually have a place to myself. That would be nice. The downside is timing. Right now I really can't afford to be apartment hunting. I can't even afford to pay bills, or rent... so where am I going to come up with first and last? But I don't have a choice since my roommate is handing in his notice and I can't afford to be on the lease by myself. I don't have $875 to spend a month on rent. I'd consider a one bedroom here but it's pretty expensive. I guess we'll see what happens.

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