Friday, February 24, 2006

My Own Personal Pharmacy

Since I had the visit with the psychiatrist I wanted to take inventory of what medications I was currently on. My cabinet is reminding me of a pharmacy at the moment. I have way too many pills I think. So here is the current list:

Trazodone (to help me sleep)
Penicillin (in case my tooth was infected)
Ibuprofen (for pain... didn't realize they made a prescripton strength)
Bacolofin (muscle relaxant for the TMJ)



Prescriptions I have but am not taking:

Percocets (Just think of the Cypress Hill song.. "I wanna get high")
Zoloft (Do I look depressed?)
Oxazapam (Highly addictive sleepmedication)

So I went from no medical care for 4 years and barely being on medications at all... to a cabinet filled with prescription drugs. Welcome to the world of modern medicine. We have a pill for whatever ails you. Take1 (or 2) and call me in the morning.

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