Friday, February 10, 2006

When it Rains it Pours

Just when I think something might go my way it blows up in my face... I was expecting money back from my student loan since I qualified for interest relief. After talking to the bank they denied the request. They said that the money came out for November and December's payment. Now the one I understand... I hadn't applied for interest relief. But according to the student loan center I had been approved for December. That means that I should not have been paying anything for it. But the banks ruling is that I'm not getting the money back. So with $29 left in my bank account somehow I am supposed to make a miracle happen. I am not as concerned with a late payment for my credit cards... but I still need to be able to pay rent for March and have no idea when my EI claim will go through since the doctor is still on vacation. My guess would be mid-March for that one. Starting to feel the effects of not working for a month. When it rains it pours.


  1. That sucks...
    Don't know if this is enough to cheer you up - but here's some busy work.

    You've been FOURS tagged.
    See my page for the details.

  2. Anonymous5:32 p.m.

    Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
