Thursday, February 09, 2006


Looks like when I don't post anything for a few days people get concerned and start wondering if I am okay. At least I know people care *lol* The RAM clip broke on the computer and we ended up getting it replaced. There was some downtime there in between computers, since I had stripped my old one already. On the weekend I was watching/recording the latest UFC PPV event. I still had a couple of DVDs to finish for Tammy. At this point I haven't even gotten around to putting my data back on the computer. That's still on my list of things to do.

Yesterday I went over to Tammy's when she got off work. Watched some UFC and just relaxed... something I haven't done enough of. It was nice to get out of the house for a while, even if Azrael was pissed at me when I came home. A change of scenery never hurts. Not to mention the fact Tammy has been one of the few positive forces since I went on the LOA at work.

Looks like I'm not the only one with computer problems this week. Adam's computer won't post currently. He dropped it off tonight so I can take a look at it. I have the time and the parts to test it. Also gives me something to do. Idle hands are the devil's playground. Okay so I really haven't been getting myself into trouble... it just sounded good. Watching way too much TV lately.

But for all those concerned I am no longer MIA. I just haven't really had much of a chance to post... and not a whole lot to say. The last week has been pretty much like every other, with the exception of hanging out with Tammy and Wayne. For now though bed time...


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