Friday, March 24, 2006

Make It Stop

I am absolutely miserable when I am sick. As a result this has not been a good week for me. I was at the doctors on Tuesday, for an unrelated matter. He thought it was just a viral infection and said I should get some rest and drink plenty of fluids. Within 24 hours I was having trouble staying warm, and was coughing quite a bit. By Thursday I was congested, still couldn't stay warm, my entire body was sensitive, and I was still coughing. I went to the chiropractor after work and she really had to take it easy on me. Today I called in sick to work. I had an appointment with the rheumatologist. He ended up ordering a chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia. He also put me on an antibiotic. The only problem is that you have to take the antibiotic with food. So far I have really not been able to keep anything down, other then water. So we'll see how that goes. Not surprising I have also lost quite a bit of weight being sick and that's not helping me get better. I think I'll be sleeping for the next two days and hopefully be doing better by Monday.

In other news... Steve seems to want to move his stuff out after saying he was going to wait for the end of the month. Normally I would say that is great news... but when you have bronchitis (or perhaps the flu) you just want peace and quiet... not constant noise. And Dwayne seems to have reappeared in Peterborough. I am concerned that he is planning to crash here in the meantime. I don't need any more stress... or anyone else at the apartment in the next few days.

If that wasn't enough I still have to contact the landlord to finalize me moving out... and finish packing. But for now I am heading back to the couch for some more rest.

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