Sunday, March 26, 2006

Still Sick

Doing a little better but still sick. I've spent much of the last three days in bed, or asleep on the futon. Guess I've now broken that in. The lymph nodes in my neck seem to be swollen which is causing pain in my jaw. The congestion has gone down quite a bit, along with the sore throat. So that is good.... Now if I could just get rid of the sinus pressure I'd be doing okay. Well and gained back some of the weight that I lost. I seem to have trouble gaining weight but no trouble losing it. Mind you not being able to eat much... and then having trouble keeping it down might have something to do with that.

I did have a scary experience yesterday. I woke up since dinner was not agreeing with me. I got out of bed to go to the bathroom and suddenly felt dizzy. I was disoriented and lightheaded. On my way back to bed I went to turn out the lights in the living room. I was still dizzy and then suddenly lost my vision. I couldn't see anything. I remember kicking the water dish and not being able to find the lights. The next thing I remember is hitting my head off something... which turned out to be the toilet on one side and the cabinet on the other. After a few minutes I got up and did turn the lights out. When I woke up again a few hours later I still felt a little dizzy but it wasn't nearly as bad. What freaked me out is that I don't black out. I remember one time in university where my blood pressure just dropped. I was sitting in class and lost my vision. Then my hearing all seemed like it was a windtunnel. But I didn't black out, which surprised the doctor. After a few minutes my senses returned and I was fine. I know I am hypoglycemic, sick and not eating enough... which is a recipe for disaster but even when I had the flu and lost a lot more weight I never blacked out... or had dizzy spells like that one. No dizziness today at least. Hopefully in a couple of days I will be back to normal... as normal as I ever am any ways.

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