Sunday, March 05, 2006

UFC '58

So last night was UFC '58. I had been hesitant to order the PPV since there weren't too many big names on the card. I wasn't sure if I wanted to spend the $40 on it. Even more so after St. Pierre started whining about not being given a title shot and how unfair it was that he was fighting Penn for a chance to fight Matt Hughes. But I did order it. And I won't ruin it by saying who won... but there were some good fights. I was actually surprised by that. And I still hold that the UFC is my version of therapy. :o)


  1. I missed the entire thing!

    ps, anytime you want to, please show up at KCC, email me to let me know and I'll be watching for you there :)

  2. Well if you happen to be in Peterborough in the evening I do have the entire thing recorded on my PVR
