Sunday, March 05, 2006

The Almighty Dollar

Overall things are going extremely well this week. I am back at work and have a new team. My health has improved. I might have a new apartment. So everything is looking up!

The only downside is still the financial side of things. I've currently got $2 in the bank account and a few bills that are about to be overdue. I know I should be getting quite a bit of money in the upcoming weeks since there is EI (5 weeks of pay), plus my first pay cheque. And I just filed my tax return and it looks like I am getting $3500. But I have at least another week before I'll get any of it. It's still frustrating when you know that it will be there soon... but not soon enough. I just want to pay my bills... and am looking at getting a laptop and a futon. And I'd like to pay off my current debt to Steve. But at least I do know that I will have money coming in!

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