Thursday, March 02, 2006

When it Rains...

When it rains it pours.... but this time in a good way. The money situation has been pretty stressful but it's finally looking up. I am still waiting for the EI to come in... and that will be about $1500. In 2 weeks I'll also be getting my first pay cheque. the best part is that I just filed my taxes and it looks like it will be my biggest refund ever... at $3500. So in the next couple of weeks I should have about $5800 coming in. I'll owe Steve about $700 but that still leaves me with quite a chunk of change to get back on my feet... Even better is that it's a three pay month so I will still get paid twice this month. And if I can actually get this web site completed I'll be in even better shape. Things are finally looking up.

I seem to be on a role. I am back at work so that was a plus. Also good news in who my new team leader was going to be. Christie and I go way back. I'm looking forward to working with her again. Not to say it's going to be an easy road but I will have less work to do... and no more team quizzes to write. I have mixed emotions about leaving the team I had come to know for 8 months... and heading into something new. To a certain degree it is about new beginnings on my return to work. It means that I can put past events behind me and work on building up a new team. At the same time I loved my team. I'm pretty stoked.

And the news gets better. There is a one bedroom coming available April 1 in the same building I am currently in. While I don't like the idea of moving again it will be better in a lot of respects. I won't have to worry about finding a roommate and will be back to something I hadn't seen in several years... my own freedom. It will be more money which is the only downside. But I really feel like I need this, especially now.

Quite a change for things to be going well. It's been a string of rough times. I learned to stop saying that things couldn't get any worse because it just kept getting worse. So I'll take the change of pace. My health is much better then it has been in a long time (overall any ways). I'm getting my independence back and moving to a one bedroom apartment. I'm back at work. I am looking forward to a new team. And then, of course, there is the money. Money always helps. And sure I lost money while I was off but this helps out. I might even be able to afford my laptop after all.

Could it get any better? Well I am sure it could... but I'm pretty happy with the way things are right now.

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