Monday, April 03, 2006

In Limbo

So this weekend was a little on the frustrating side. I decided to do a walkthrough of my new apartment. The cable guy was going to be showing up and I wanted to see if the carpets had been done. Plus I wanted to get an idea of the layout so I could figure out where to put things. This was on Sunday... since today was supposed to be move-in day. They had done absolutely nothing on it all weekend. All of the doors would need to be replaced, or rehung since they were in rough shape. The carpets had not been done. There was still furniture and odds and ends in the apartment. There were railings near the windows... I think to prevent people from thinking there was a balcony on the other side of the window (it looks like a sliding door) and the railings were extremely loose. It also got me thinking. The apartment is $625 plus utilities... so I am looking at about $800 a month. Not only was it not ready for me to move in as scheduled but now I am paying for hydro and cable in an apartment I am not living in at the moment. The apartment is basically an oversized bachelor. I'd be lucky if I fit my double bed in the bedroom, and that is without a frame for it.... Hmm... $800 a month... for that??? I was paying $875 for a spacious 2 bedroom. Something just doesn't add up here. And while it is convenient being that close to work... it just doesn't seem to be enough.

So tomorrow morning I am heading down to Talwood to look at the apartments there. Now the fact it's on the west side of town will make going to work a challenge since I don't drive but it's doable. I am not the only one that would be living over there. And it would be cheaper. It's $740 all inclusive. So I'd get back the hydro deposit and not have to worry about that. Plus from what I have heard they are pretty spacious apartments. Failing that I could also look at Citi Centre and be downtown. Either way I have to make a decision ASAP so that I can cancel the hydro, contact Cogeco and cancel my mail forwarding. I really don't like living in limbo. I'm also sick of living out of boxes... but in a few weeks I will be settled somewhere... just not sure where at the moment. I will always have a cardboard box I suppose. Peterborough really seems to bring out the best in me. Been homeless basically three times now since I left London... it's really getting old.

Nothing else in the way of news. I think that's enough news for one day. I'm hoping the rest of my life is event free. I could do with some peace and quiet.

1 comment:

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