Saturday, April 01, 2006

Life at Work

I have now been back at work for a month. Until recently I don't think I had realized how much stress I was feeling before the LOA. I have been extremely relaxed ever since I came back. Having a good friend of mine as a team leader has definitely been beneficial. I wasn't sure how that would go over since we were agents together back in the day and have always been good friends. But so far it is going okay. I find I can just relax and not worry so much that what I am doing isn't good enough. I also find I am doing less work. Not to say that I slack off since that isn't in my vocabulary, as much as Christie and I joke about it. I get my work done and that's the important thing. I'm part of a great team and they have accepted me as part of the team. I become a great target when I'm in... but they do try not to hit the laptop. I guess they fear my wrath if anything happens to it.

I also finally got my MacBook Pro. It arrived earlier this week. I am still trying to get used to it. For some reason I almost feel like it's not mine. Maybe it's just because I am used to using the iBook at work from days gone by. Once I move I think it will get a lot more use as I get back into the web design and the video editing. I can use it at work and at home. That was why I went with a laptop. I live in the same building I work in so it is handy to be able to bring it downstairs for work and then also use it at home. Now I just need to get the web site done so I can actually make some money off of it. Otherwise it is just an expensive form of entertainment.

And now back to the NCAA. I am currently watching UCLA take on LSU. I already watched Florida beat George Mason. I always cheer on Duke and UCLA. LSU took out Duke already so now I am torn. I want to see UCLA win but LSU has been amazing and just dominated in the game against the #1 seeded Duke. So I wouldn't be heartbroken if they won. Then on Monday is the finals. Looks like I'll be unpacking while I watch the game... hopefully any ways.

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