Thursday, June 01, 2006


This seems to be my week for bashing dentists. But what I want to know is why are they not held accountable for their actions? If some of this stuff happened in a medical field there might be a different outcome.

4 years ago when I had my wisdom teeth removed the dentist did nerve damage. The right side of my tongue was numb and the TMJ was aggravated.
End result: I had to go to the doctor for Naproxen, still slur my words occassionally because the feeling on that side of my tongue never fully returned.

3 weeks go the dentist was working on the lower right. Once again hit the nerve. And he knew it. He saw the reaction on my face.
End result: Agony for a week and a half and then a visit to the ER for medication. I ended up cutting the bottom of my tongue because I couldn't feel it. The right side of my tongue is back to being numb (if it had ever healed) Noticing the speech impediment more but it could just be me.

Yesterday was back at the dentist for more work. My back is still killing me from the way I was positioned in the chair. He hit a different nerve this time. So just below my nose is now numb. That is a new sensation. Once again, had my jaw open too long so the TMJ is bothering me again. Fortunately I still have some Naproxen left.
End result: I need to go see the chiropractor to have my back fixed. Will be taking Naproxen for the pain. And I am not sure what the end result will be for the numbness near the nasal cavity.

So to recap... My jaw is in pain from hitting the nerve and I have to pay for the medication. If I want the nerve damaged corrected I have to pay the high price to have it done. My tongue will likely never have full feeling back, which also affects my sense of taste. I now have a bit of a speech impediment, especially when tired. I will have to pay $35 to have my back looked at. I'm not sure what will happen with the nerve damage under my nose. And the dentist doesn't even have to acknowledge that he made a mistake. No lawyer would ever take the case. The dentist denied hitting the nerve stating that it was just how long my jaw was open for. No that electric shock feeling I had tells me otherwise. So why are they not accountable for their actions? Chances are if a patient was disfigured during an operation they'd be suing for malpractice. Or maybe that is only in the States. But dentists don't even have to admit to making a mistake, apologize or take responsibility and fix it. I wonder why that is

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