Thursday, June 01, 2006

Peace Bond

I learned today that a peace bond is basically meaningless. Mike decided to come visit the area where I work.... since he wanted to socialize. He did not have anything work related that he was down there for. I'm almost tempted to think that he wanted to make sure I knew there were no longer any restrictions.

So I called the police today to find out if there was a peace bond in place and if so, what the restrictions were. The cop that was involved in my case is no longer with the police force. I believe he transferred elsewhere. So they put me in touch with the secretary. She didn't know anything about it. Well she did know the charges were withdrawn and that a peace bond was agreed to... but wasn't sure what the restrictions were. So she recommended I call the courts office to find out.

This is what they told me. He is not allowed to have any contact with me or communicate with me in any way, except for at work. Now there are two things I notice there. 1. He doesn't really have any spatial restrictions (i.e. 500 feet) and 2. He is exempt at work any ways. Now I think I can safely say he doesn't want to contact me... But... I think the restriction should have included staying out of my section of the building. He has absolutely no reason to be there. Hell he works on a different floor altogether. But I can't stop him from hanging out in my area and visiting with people. Now that's frustrating. Not only were the charges withdrawn but he is free to wander throughout the building, including my area. When he wandered through yesterday I almost went into shock... Well maybe not literally but it did surprise me and took me a while to recover from it. I feel like I am the prisoner. Yes I can go upstairs now... not that I ever really had much a reason to... but I am reluctant to. I really don't want to see him. So I tend to stay in my area and not go anywhere.

So what the hell was the point of me even pressing charges? It caused my name to be dragged through the mud making it tough to go into work. One of the rumours was that I was "a lying bitch who charged him out of spite." That was a daily battle. The 10 hours at the cop shop/hospital was also spectacular. So I lost friends... heard some very hurtful things... even if I was lying is it really tactful to be discussing it at work? What if I am telling the truth? Ended up on a 2 month LOA. So it also cost me time and money (I also had to replace the items that went into evidence). Then the charges were withdrawn any ways making me look worse. And now the peace bond is basically just a piece of paper that means nothing. He can still make my time at work a living hell and there is nothing I can do. Sure I can talk to my TM but from a company standpoint they would likely just say that it was not related to the workplace so their hands are tied... aside from the fact you're not supposed to be socializing while on calls.

Apparently I am a little bitter today.... but it's been a long week already. I got off work late tonight... didn't get as much done as I wanted to... and am still feeling the effects from the dentist. Hopefully with some sleep I'll have a different outlook and not be so cynical.

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