Sunday, June 18, 2006


Okay so I am getting lazy... and Azzie is easier to say then Azrael... I think he has really settled in here. I never thought I'd see the day when I am giving him human qualities. But he does seem to be more relaxed. I think he knows I am happier here... and there is no one else to disturb him. Plus there's no smoke at all. Either way he is quite the content cat... and seems to be the master of the domain. When I am home he will curl up on my lap... or beside me since there is plenty of space on the futon. Azrael is also getting quite big. Now he is 2 years old... the wise adult male... And he is definitely my baby. Gets plenty of love and attention. Some days you'd even think I have children by the amount of toys on the floor. *lol*

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