Sunday, June 18, 2006

Retail Therapy

My only plans for today were to go to IGA and pick up a few things. I really wanted some corn on the cob. Nice plan... and it almost worked. I finished my grocery shopping and then realized that I had lost my sunglasses. So I revisited everywhere that I had stopped... twice... and could not find them. Without them I am prone to migraines... and it looks like I'll be walking home from work this week as well. So I had to replace them.

I did learn something valuable in the process. I learned that it is only about a 15 minute walk to Zellers. That actually gives me more freedom. I don't need a ride down there... so that really just leaves groceries that I can't get on my own. Well that and a few rides to various places.

So I get to Zellers and get a new pair of sunglasses... I was also planning on picking up my refill for Zyban. But first... I went down to Blockbuster to see what the price was on Underworld: Evolution. And then headed over to FutureShop. Apparantly I decided retail therapy was a good thing. $120 later I left FutureShop. Ironically, most of the movies I left with were comedies. People that know me know I don't buy comedies. Then I headed over to Chapters to pick up the new MacAddict. Finally, I went to Shoppers to pick up the prescription. By then I was a bit dehydrated and sore. It was great to get out... enjoy the sunshine... and be active. But that also takes a big toll on me. By the time I got home I didn't even want to cook dinner. Fortunately I was just having corn so it was easy. But I am still prety low on energy. The good news is that I have nothing to do tonight other then rest and watch a movie.

While I was getting my prescription I also picked up a bottle of water. I drank most of it but with the heat it got warm pretty quickly. I was almost home when I decided to dump some of the water over my head. That was nice and refreshing. Since my shoulder was bothering me I also decided to dump some over my shoulder and back. It was a nice thought. Well it did work well... the only problem was that I was wearing a tank top. It went down my back all right... but it also went down my jeans. Good thing I was almost home.

That's the downside to having A/C. I find it nice and cool in here and am usually wearing a sweater. So I tend to forget just how warm it is outside. I did check the weather network before going out... but I don't think even that prepared me for the heat wave when I stepped out the front door.

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