Thursday, June 15, 2006

Criminal Minds

Finally back to watching some Criminal Minds and recording it to my computer. Haven't done any recording since the MacBook was replaced. Once I've got a few episodes I'll probably try some video editing and burning them to a DVD. But at least it's something I find relaxing. At some point I want to make some sound bytes from Criminal Minds, like the profile and the quotes. Might even watch the Ultimate Fighter before I go to bed... or I may just wait until my nice, long 3 day weekend. Time to really unwind. I might even shut myself off from everyone....

Well okay I can't completely shut myself off. I have to go to the rheumatologist again on Monday. He wants to go over my blood work. Before you ask, he has been trying to get ahold of me since before I saw the family doctor. I am not sure if he has the latest blood tests or not.

Azrael has decided that he really wants attention tonight. He's cute and all but it's not helping me record anything. Not that I mind. He is my baby... And I've been neglecting him in the morning. Poor thing. At least he's stopped crying loudly when I go to bed and carrying his bear at the same time. I kept thinking he was injured or something... and he wouldn't let me pet him. He would just bite me. Right now he's curled up on his back staring up at me. Yes he is a cutie. And since he is not helping me write anything time for me to head out and just spend some time with him.

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