Friday, June 16, 2006

No News Isn't Good News

Looks like I don't have to wait until after I see the rheumatologist to provide an update. The doctor's office called today. I'm not sure who I was talking to... but their sister apparently lived in Peterborough and lived over here in Peterborough. So somehow we ended up discussing the ghetto neighbourhood over here. But they also told me that I have an appointment with the hematologist in a couple of weeks. Somehow I have to get to Scarborough on June 30 for 9:00 a.m. They said it would be a short appointment. Looks like they'll be doing the blood tests for the 4th time as well. And after that will likely come the bone marrow biopsy. It's what I was expecting... not that it makes it any easier. But I am one step closer to an answer.

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