Thursday, June 01, 2006

Dental Reform

I am beginning to believe that there needs to be a dental reform. Now I know I am being an idealist. The reform will never happen. What we need to do is incorporate dental into the medical system. The government would rather cut services then add them and the dentists won't give up the lucrative practice. The average salary after one year in private practice is $100,000 CAN. I'd like to be making some of that. Now it doesn't have to be $100,000 but I'd like a small piece of that.

So why do I think it should be a combined service? If it was then I might not have waited 4.5 years to see a dentist. And it's currently bankrupting me to have the work done. My insurance company pays 100% sort of. They only pay up to last years fee guide... and only up to $2000. I've already paid about $300 in dental fees for services that were not covered. Plus to get the $2000 coverage I have to pay $20 a month through work. So there is another $240. Needless to say it's not exactly cheap.

The last time I was there I had 4 cavities filled in my front teeth. The total for that was $1100. So that's $275 per tooth. You can't tell me that the materials to fill the cavities and the hour that it took really cost anywhere near $1100.

To be continued...


  1. Heather, that amount seems high. I had 12 cavities and 2 wisdom teeth removed for under $2300. Some of the cavities were not small either. Ask to see your billing. Better yet, my dentist gives me estimates of each tooth before the work and lets me choose what to do when.

  2. I have a feeling it was because the work was largely cosmetic. The front teeth had to be filled differently so it wasn't noticeable.

    I was given an estimate per tooth before I had it done.
