Thursday, June 01, 2006

Food Intake

I'm going to preface this with... I do not have an eating disorder and am not focusing on how many calories the meal had. Neither am I stepping on the scale constantly to see if my weight has changed. For the record it's currently 96.5 pounds and before you tell me I should weigh at least 115 pounds I am aware of that. I have never been able to get over 100 pounds.


For breakfast I had Honey Nut Cheerios. Ten I had a Carnation Instant Breakfast.


Lunch was the usul bacon sandich. Same as yesterday's with cold cuts, cheese and lettuce.


Dinner was chicken strips, scalloped potatoes and corn.

And of course I had my usual 3 cans of Coke, I think I am craving it more because of habit and to replace the nicotine. I know I shouyld be drinking more water. Thanks for the reminder Sarah. I will also keep in mind the complex carbohydrates as well.

Yet I am still not completely full. I m not as hungry as I was yesterday but I am wondering how much more I need to eat in a day.

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed that I am even eating breakfast *lol* When I am on the day shift I am usually running out the door and don't have time for breakfast.

    The Carnation does have 15 g of Protein when the milk is added to it.

    I can't see me drinking whole milk. I don't even like the taste of 2% milk.
