Saturday, June 17, 2006

FIFA World Cup

FIFA's big slogan throughout the World Cup has been that soccer is "The greatest game on earth." I have a great deal of respect for soccer players. Of any team sport that I have watched it is the one where the players have to be the most active. For 45 minutes there is no break in the action. Even the half time isn't that long. Then back for another 45 minutes. And for any time that is spent throwing the ball in, or with an injury that time is added to the clock. Can you imagine what other sports would be like if they demanded the same level of physical activity and did not allow so many breaks? I don't think nearly as many people would take part in those sports. Sometime timed the Superbowl and if you count the amount of time between the snap and the end of the play... in the 3 hours there was something like 5 minutes of actual action. Maybe it's just me but that seems a little insane. Baseball is certainly not the most active sport either. I'm not knocking the other sports... since they all have their purpose and thir fans. I like baseball. And each sport is different. So for the most part you can't really compare soccer to hockey. I will watch most sports although of course I have my favourites. 1. Soccer 2. Beach Volleyball 3. Baseball

I am currently watching Italy take on the USA. Whenever I watch the World Cup I am usually cheering on Brazil and Italy. I do like other teams as well... USA, Argentina, Mexico and Portugal... but Brazil and Italy are my favourites. This is turning out to be a wild game. It really wasn't a surprise that Italy scored first. Shortly after Italy scored again... the only problem was that it was in their own goal. 60 seconds later an Italian player had been given a red card. So he was out of the game and could not be replaced. Should be a good game.

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