Friday, June 16, 2006

Mail Call

I think I mentioned before that all of my mail was being held at the distribution center due to the fire. Trust me, that is anything but convenient. It's down by FutureShop so basically not near anything really useful. It's not exactly walking distance either. Well I suppose it might be if I was healthy. And, on top of that, they are only open 8 to 5:30 Monday to Friday. Doesn't work with my schedule. No word yet on when we will have mailboxes here again. So I have to rely on someone to drive me down there to pick it up. Not ideal at all.

So after two weeks I finally got someone to drive me down there. I knew I had a package waiting for me. But I still seem to be missing quite a bit of mail. I had 2 bills and that was it. Normally I would get mail quite frequently. Ever since I moved here I get almost none. I was supposed to get something about identity theft from Capital One and ironically never got it. never got their bill either. And I called about my student loan and they were sending out the interest relief forms. I never did get them. So that's another aggravation. Now I have to call the student loan center again and have them resent. I'll have to go down and pick them up somehow. And I'll likely have to call the bank and try and get a hold put on my student loan. Can't anything be simple and straightforward?

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