Monday, June 26, 2006


So 4 days until I go see the hematologist... Tomorrow I am off, Wednesday I am working days, Thursday I am working nights and then I have to be at the doctor's Friday morning at 9:00 a.m. I am still weighing my options and still don't like either choice. My big concern is that if I drive up Friday morning I will be too tired to go to work and will call in sick. I would get paid for the day since I have sick days to use but would lose the holiday pay for July 1. So it would end up costing me more then staying in a hotel would. But, if I go up the night before then it will turn out to be a costly trip... If it wasn't the pay cheque where I have to pay rent it wouldn't be such a big deal. But after rent there isn't a whole lot left for other things. Even my team manager is recommending that I go up there the night before. Guess she doesn't want me to be cranky at work. Can't say I blame her... I can only imagine what I'll be like on so little sleep and trying to work for 8.5 hours. Why can't there be a third option? Better quetion... why can't the appointment be a little later in the day?

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