Tuesday, June 27, 2006

38 Days

That's how long I have been without nicotine. Some people have been really supportive. Some people also choose not to smoke around me. But there is still one person that chain smokes around me and then says to let them know if I want them to stop. I'm a doormat so I don't want to oice my opinion. I also figure I don't want to wind up fighting with him over it. Overall it doesn't bother me but it doesn't help me either since it just reminds me... and with the current stress I am not sure I like the reminder. Plus I am inhaling the second hand smoke which is even worse. Hell at that point I might as well just have a smoke. I don't think it's the smoking that bothers me... I think it's just him.

They say you are supposed to celebrate each milestone... the first day...the first week... the first month... etc. So far I haven't done any of that. Usually I am too busy watching the days go by with work. Plus I never seem to have money to celebrate with. Hmm... what can I do to celebrate me quitting smoking?

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