Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Hallowe'en/ Goodbye Love

Time for another song... (well 2 actually) also from Rent.... but this is one I identify with all too often. I think that's why I like Rent so much. I identify with it... but it's also a depiction of life and to a certain degree I believe that anyone can identify with it. It's interesting though since it's pretty much the "Rentheads" and everyone else that just doesn't get it.


How did we get here?
How the hell...
Pan left - close on the steeple of the church
How did I get here?
How the hell...
Christmas, Christmas Eve - last year
How could a night so frozen
Be so scalding hot?
How can a morning this mild
Be so raw?
Why are entire years strewn
On the cutting room floor of memory
When single frames from one magic night
Forever flicker in close-up
On the 3-D Imax of my mind
That's poetic, that's pathetic
Why did Mimi knock on Roger's door
And Collins choose that phone booth
Back where Angel set up his drums?
Why did Maureen's equipment break down?
Why am I the witness?
And when I capture it on film
Will it mean that it's the end
And I'm alone?

Goodbye Love

I hear there are great restaurants out west

Some of the best, how could she?

How could you let her go?

You just don't know ... how could we lose Angel?

Maybe you'll see why when you stop escaping your pain at least now if you try
Angel's death won't be in vain

His death is in vain

Are you insane? There's so much to care about there's me there's Mimi-

Mimi's got her baggage too

So do you

Who are you to tell me what I know.
What to do

A friend

But who Mark are you?
"Mark has got his work" they say
"Mark lives for his work" and
"Mark's in love with his work"
Mark hides in his work

>From what?

>From facing your failure,
Facing your loneliness, facing the fact you live a lie
Yes, you live a lie tell you why you're always preaching not to be numb
When that's how you thrive you pretend to create and observe
When you really detach from feeling alive

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