Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Philosophical Musings

I actually thought when I started this that it would largely be a collection of philosophical musings... and deep thoughts. Around the same time I was also lost in thought somewhere. But I really haven't been doing that. Haven't had too many philosophical thoughts lately either. Too busy getting through life to think about the meaning of life.

Of course my deep thoughts usually revolve around the need for balance. The body is always trying to maintain homeostatis or equilibrium. When something is not balanced we feel the effects, one way or another. An iron deficiency leaves you looking pale. You also tend to be fatigued... but that seems to come from a number of deficiencies.

With everything that has been going on of late I really don't feel that balance. I feel like there is a lot of noise and distractions. I just don't have the same ability to focus that I normally have. And I feel like I am on a see-saw trying to get back to balance. I just don't know what I need to do to get there. Or maybe I just need a vacation or something.


  1. Do you actually get time off this summer? We are going camping and you are welcome to come for a few days or a day-trip... or we can even just get together at some point if you have any holidays.

  2. I haven't even gotten around to booking vacation yet. And the schedule has only been released to July 1 so far.
