Saturday, June 03, 2006


I am so glad it's Friday right now. Until I got home tonight I don't think I realized how much this month had taken out of me. I averaged listening to 3.65 calls day. While that doesn't sound all that bad since most agents are able to take 20 calls a day it's actually not that easy. We also have other responsibilities that can be quite time consuming. And to listen to a call we have to wait for them to get one... listen to the call... score the call and then present the feedback on it. Even a 5 minute call usually takes about 20 minutes in total. The agents sometimes think it's an easier job because I only take calls for hours. But I've got to tell you it's often a lot more difficult to evaluate the call. Some people do not respond well to coaching and will challenge you on everything. That makes it tough. Today was a prime example of that. We had a team meeting about some new changes. I understand why they are changing it... and while it may impact me and my incentive, I am not going to fight it. I am just going to work towards meeting the new metrics. But the two people who were going to object the most were both at the meeting. They went ballistic with the news. It pretty much turned into a war. Even before that I was going over a procedural article... one of the two biggest ones that we follow on every call. I even got arguments throughout the entire article. At the last team meeting when Pat went over it she got questions about it... but people didn't argue about every point. So I intend to relax this weekend and am going to try to do as little as possible. Just relax and try not to think about work.

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