Friday, June 02, 2006

Short Work Week

I'm pretty happy this is a short work week. One more day to go and then I am off for 2 days. This is also the last week in the fiscal month so there tends to be more stress as all the performance coaches struggle to meet the mandate. I need to listen to one more call this month so overall our team is doing fine but other people are now scrambling. This is adding a great deal of pressure because I always want to help out and make sure other teams meet their mandate. But at the same time it's not my responsibility. I've evaluated 72 calls this month. That's the second highest in the call center. And the only person that is higher then me tends to listen to much shorter calls since it's a different queue. It's great that I have done so many calls... but it also takes it's toll. I find it more difficult to coach someone on another team, especially on a bad call, because I don't know them. I don't know if this was a trend... or they're having a bad day. Basically I am walking in blind. Tomorrow I am trying to decide if I should take it easy and just get the one evaluation done that I need to or try and get as many as I can done so that other teams will hit the mandate as well. Working my ass off and helping other teams is definitely in my nature... but I'm not sure how long I can keep that up for. I have pretty much been non-stop since day 1 since Pat was off for just over a week. But I can also tell I am more stressed... my back hurts more... and it's much harder to just relax at work. Mind you some of that could also be because I quit smoking... and that did calm me down when I was starting to feel overwhelmed. It's really an internal war right now. I feel obligated to help people out but I can't keep up that pace.

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