Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Azrael's Kingdom

Some days you would think I have kids and not just a cat. I went to Zellers today and spent $60... only $10 was on me. The rest was on the munchkin sleeping above me on the top of the futon. Okay so I had to buy food for him. But I am always looking for treats and play toys for him. It's actually pretty rare for me to find anything for him... but today I managed. There was the flowerpot that has catnip in it. He really likes that one. There was also a stuffed fish that also has catnip. He's not as excited about that one... probably because other ones capture his attention a little more. The last one is the see-saw. Now that one is pretty elaborate. He can play with the see-saw part of it, that also contains a water tube with a marble... or with the hanging toys. It's all about keeping him somewhat active... and happy. I think he's a little worn out now from the catnip and the toys... I have decided that "some assembly required" are not good products for me to buy. I don't tend to have a lot of patience. It's the same reason I don't do well with computer parts... I don't have the patience required. Whenever I add computer parts it never seems to just work like it's supposed to. I just end up frustrated. Either way... my living room floor makes it look like I have children when really I am just keeping the cat happy. Sad fact is he would be just as happy to curl up with me and forget about the toys.

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