Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I always seemed to have it in my head that isolation was a bad thing. We're always taught that social interaction is a good thing and the image of a hermit is not an appealing one. When I was preparing for my vacation I was dreading being asked what I was planning to do for my vacation. They seemed to expect me to have some big plans... like actually leaving the city... etc. But that isn't what I wanted. I wanted the time off to just get away. Sure, I am still online... but my computer is also on the table between me and the TV. Kind of hard to get away. Aside from my dinner with Pat... and Steve's phone call... I haven't spoken to anyone. I've left my apartment to go to the store a few times (more then I'd like actually) and that's been in. And before anyone says that it's no fun... and I should have done more... the point is that I didn't want to. I wanted the time to myself. I wanted the chance to just be... to relax... and not answer to anyone. Just me and Azrael. I now understand Adam's need or isolation and wanting to be alone. It's not a bad thing... just not for everyone. Either way when I go back to work I'll be a lot more relaxed then I had been and that was exactly what I needed!

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