Sunday, July 02, 2006

Drum Roll Please...

So Thursday night I got home just after 10:00. Steve didn't get here until 10:40. All I want to do is get to Scarborough at this point. On the way out of town he decides to stop at Sobey's to look for flowers for his ex-wife since it was their anniversary. Then he had to drop them off. Could it not have waited? It's not like Scarborough is only 10 minutes away. Fortunately it was late enough that traffic was light so we got there just after midnight.

Then there was the motel... Talk about a dive. Maybe it's just because I like my own space and am not crazy staying elsewhere. No that's not it... it really was a dive. It was really hot in there too. I suspect that was more related to the fact that Steve seems to like a sauna and prefers it to be 90 degrees. But it made the room smell musty... this coming from the person with almost no sense of smell. It also made it really difficult to breathe and I ended up pretty dehydrated. Then there was the fact Steve was there. That always makes me cringe. In told I think I I got a little over 3 hours and then was awake for the rest of the night. As bad as it was I am still glad I went up the night before. Sure I was exhausted when I got to work but it meant not having to deal with rush hour and not being as stressed. Plus Mapquest and I had a few issues. We ended up having to ask someone how to get there.

And since I know you're reading this to find out how it actually went with the doctor.... In told the trip cost about $100 and I spent 5 minutes with the doctor before he redid the tests that had been done 3 times now. Needless to say that was kind of annoying. But he did give me good news. My platelet count is now back to where it should be. :o) My white blood cell count is still low but the hematologist said it wasn't low enough to really be concerned about. So that is definitely good news!!! No bone marrow biopsy. The downside is that they still don't know why I am so fatigued. I know that can happen for a number of reasons... but I hate it. It controls my life and I'd really like some of my energy back.

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