Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Absurdity of it All

I was talking to Adam last night and he made an excellent point. With everything else that is going on why pick a fight over stying in a hotel room? At the end of the day it really doesn't matter. It shouldn't even be an issue. I'm 27 and it's my choice if I head up on Thursday night. In the grand scheme of things it's a non event. Who the fuck cares what decision I make? To even debate it doesn't even make sense. I still have to face the unknown and the reality that I could have just about anything, from a vitamin B12 deficiency to leukemia. I don't believe it's serious but I still have to prepare myself for it. So an argument over spending $100 to stay in a motel to make things easier is absurd. And it's sad. It's sad because energy was wasted on this argument. It's sad because all it did was cause more pain. And it's sad because it caused the relationship to be even more strained. So the next time you want to argue over something small and trivial... stop and think about it. Ask yourself if at the end of the day it is a big enough issue to argue about. If not... then just let it go.


  1. I hope it went well. I think you are spending way to much energy worrying about what M. thinks. She came down to visit and didn't even remember making that comment to you - even if it was wrong. I've had to learn to just make my decision and NOT defend them. I support your decision and I believe it was a good one for you. You will lose to much energy worrying about chaning M's mind! Take care - I'll check in this weekend.

  2. It wasn't about changing her mind. It was that she couldn't let it go and wanted to keep reminding me that she did not think I should go up the night before.
