Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Lightning Strikes

When I was writing the post about taking in strays I was also playing poker on the PS2. I was doing quite well too. I had doubled my money and then some. Don't worry that didn't actually make me think I should quit my day job and head off to Vegas. The wind was really picking up outside and I could tell it was raining quite heavily. Then the power went out briefly. There goes my game... I hadn't even had a chance to save it. I had been trying to. It went out and came back on a couple more times. Then the power just went out and stayed out. The screen right now has a reddish-oramge tinge to it behind the trees and you can see lightning flash periodically. Otherwise it is completely black. I was trying to get a couple of pictures but it was too dark and they didn't turn out. It's amazing how quiet everything gets when there is no power. All of the hum of electrical devices just disappears. You can hear the other people in the building and the outside world. It's actually kind of eerie. Of course, since it was 42 degrees outside today that also means my AC is no longer working and it's getting quite warm in here. Good news is that I just might be going to bed a little earlier since I can't exactly do much. I can't even publish this until we have power restored. I'm hoping it's not out too long... I really don't want the frigdge defrosting and would like some cool air circulating in here again. Plus I want to set the alarm for work or there is no way that I will be getting up on time.

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