Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Power Outage

As it turns out the power would not return until 7:30 a.m. Needless to say the apartment got to be toasty warm. I woke up to the air conditioner kicking back on. Fortunately, the TV didn't come back on full blast at the same time. When I left for work the cable was still out but the power was back on. Other people weren't so fortunate. Some people at work did not have power. There were downed power lines and downed trees. It really was a wicked storm. There were even tornado warnings in some areas. Craziness.... on the way to work I even saw a truck that had been destroyed by a fallen tree.

One of my co-workers had a tree fall on the power line causing sparks. He called the utilities company and was put on hold. Then they said they would get to it. He called the fire department and at least there he wasn't put on hold. Guess they still didn't consider it serious. A fire truck drove by and then stopped... decided it wasn't a big deal and kept going. Then the tree actually caught on fire. Eventually they did cut off the power to the block and then put out the fire. At 4:30 a.m. the utilities company showed up to cut down the tree. Guess he didn't get much sleep last night.

The good news is that I came home to power and to cable... more importantly, I had internet access again. I could watch movies tonight and that wouldn't be a big issue but I'm not sure what I would do without my internet access. I suppose I'd get less Spam at least but most of that gets filtered out any ways. Time to relax... watch TV... play online... and then try and get some sleep tonight.

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