Sunday, July 30, 2006

Pace Yourself

As part of the Fibromylgia the number one lesson is to pace yourself. A lesson I keep forgetting. Otherwise, you end up with muscle pain from a flare-up. On Wednesday I walked to Zellers and had to carry 2 bottles of Coke and a bag of cat food home. That might have been a bit much. Follow that up with my trip to Loblaws on Thursday. It isn't that far of a walk to Loblaws but it's still a kilometre and carrying groceries home can be a challenge. I pulled some of the muscles in my back as a result and had a nice bruise on my lower back. Today I was back at it. But this time I managed not to pull any muscles. The pain is actually somewhat of a good sign though. It gives me a chance to get some of my strength back and I've noticed an increase in energy as well.

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