Thursday, August 03, 2006

Student Loan

I was just about to pay rent when I decided to check my bank account. Good thing I did. I had originally called the student loans center back at the end of May to apply for interest relief. They didn't send the forms. And of course with me not receiving mail unless I go down to Rye street I didn't know that they hadn't been sent for a little while. Then I called and asked them to fax it. Didn't get the forms that way either. Called them back and they said that the forms had been mailed out. Finally got them near the end of July. But by then it was too late... The student loan center still has my loan on hold but the Royal Bank would only hold it for 30 days. So they ended up taking payment for both months... to the tune of $440. Yeah I really didn't have the money to begin with and assuming that I qualify for interest relief I'll be waiting about 3 weeks to get the money back. I hate student loans...

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