Thursday, July 27, 2006

Parallels + Windows

I was at the Apple web site today and on the front page it indicated that they were now selling Parellels Desktop so you too can install Windows on your Mac. For as comfortable as I am with Windows I have come to the conclusion that Windows was never meant to be installed on a Mac. I had the trial version installed on my MacBook Pro. They say it is supposed to be fast... I never really found that. In fact I found that both operating systems were slower. Plus I couldn't access CDs from the Mac side of things. It seemed to be a wasted effort. Even if it did work no one will be providing support for that. Apple definitely won't... and Microsoft won't either. Then just look at the price. It's $100 just for Parallels and Windows is not exactly cheap. For a legitimate copy of Windows XP Professional you're looking at $400. So now that it's costing $500 just to run a copy of Windows on your computer. You might as well just go with a cheap Windows computer or get Mac compatible software... a much cheaper option. But just my 2 cents.

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