Monday, July 17, 2006

Picture This

Just imagine... it's 6:00 p.m. and you're just leaving work. It's hotter then Hades outside. Okay that might be an exaggeration. But it was 42 degrees Celcius outside today. It's a 4 kilometre walk home and you haven't eaten anything today due to a lack of time and energy. Not a very nice picture is it? That was my day. I got about halfway home and was so dehydrated that I was actually trying not to vomit. Part of me just wanted to curl up on someone's lawn and have a nice nap. The rest of me just wanted to get home to the air conditioning. Home won that one. I still haven't had dinner. I am pretty low on energy right now and just want to rest... not do anything... and definitely not cook. As an interesting note I ended up practically following one of the guys from my team all the way home. He was so busy listening to his music that he never even realized that I was behind him. And until we got close to the apartment complex he was far enough away that I didn't even know it was him. I'll have to give him a hard time tomorrow when I see him. But for now I really should go find something to eat. Must find food.

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