Sunday, July 16, 2006


Time for another nice long walk home. Actually, for the most part I really enjoyed it. I just ended up being pretty dehydrated along the way. It was really hot out there today. Having the backpack didn't help me any. But I really enjoyed it. Time to work on my tan and build up some strength again. My legs are kind of sore at the moment but it's a good kind of pain. Hopefully I'll also sleep tonight but we'll see. Not sure I'm that worn out. Came home and had a shower. Wound up being a little more dehydrated from that as well.

But the hot water felt amazing... really relaxing... It was a great muscle relaxant. Then I turned on the cold water so that it was refresher and would actually help the muscles in the long run. Now I am just relaxing for the rest of the evening... and getting away from the computer.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Heather! I was thinking of you yesterday. Can you believe we went to the TO zoo in that heat yesterday (glad we didn't go today!) Hoping you are doing well..... Love Suzanne
