Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Possible Relocation to Niagara Falls

Now it's decision time... We are opening a call center in Niagara Falls and the jobs were just posted on the company's web site. If I stay here I'll have a tough time moving up in the company since there are no team leaders, just team managers here. So if an opening does come available there are 20 people vying for the job. If I apply for Niagara Falls then it would be a step up in the company... to a salaried position. I'm just having a tough time as to whether or not I am good enough to get the job. Plus I have a lease here. I am not sure what I would do about that. The possibility is actually stressing me out a little. I was having a lot of trouble sleeping last night, for a whole host of reasons and got to thinking about applying for the position. My biggest concern is the lease and getting out of it. Well that and applying for the job and not getting it.

But the good news is that I would be out of Peterborough since there isn't much holding me here. I am starting to think this place is cursed. Very little has actually gone right since I moved here. I'm young, single and can relocate. Steve would be out of my life... so would Tristan. There are a few people I would miss but Niagara isn't that far away. And it's a change of scenery... something I could really use.

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