Thursday, July 20, 2006

Roommate Situation

Okay so things on the homefront still have not improved. Tristan's still here and I can't seem to develop a backbone and ask him to leave. Well I do want the money he owes me. Although pretty soon he's going to be costing me more then he owed me in the first place. In a week he's eaten $80 worth of groceries and not only that but he helps himself to it. Doesn't even bother to ask. Promises to pay it back but I can see it being a viscious circle... he pays it back (or replaces the groceries) and then can't afford to buy more... or he can't afford the rent to move out and wants to keep testing my generousity... when all I want to do is be left alone and enjoy my vacation. Why am I having so much trouble kicking him out? He's causing me unecessary stress, for the second time. I owe him absolutely nothing. I've bailed him out time and time again. We're not even together and I am still helping him out. But at what price? My health... my emotional well being... and my stress free vacation (or at least that's what it was supposed to be)... *Sigh* I just want it to end... I just can't bring myself to be responsible for it.

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